Special Employment Law Services

State Subsidies and Tax Benefits

We advise employers how to take advantage of the state subsidies and tax benefits, so they can optimize their business costs.
We help you draft, review, maintain and archive all types of employee benefit plans and compensations, including health and welfare, retirement, employment, incentive bonus, and severance programs.

Employment Stock Option Plan

Company can grant employees the opportunity to purchase stock at a predetermined price within a specified time frame. When properly structured and managed, stock options give employees a sense of ownership and strong motivation to contribute to the company's long-term success.

Employment Compliance Training

We organize in-house employment law compliance training for HR departments. We strive to deliver an engaging and interactive experience by providing real-life examples and practical guidance for employers. Our training ensures that participants gain invaluable insights to foster a work culture of proactive compliance.

Health and Safety

Ensuring a healthy and safe working environment extends beyond mere legal obligations - it is fundamental to the company's culture and overall success. By prioritizing the well-being of employees, company creates a positive workplace environment that boosts productivity, engagement, and employee satisfaction. Most Legal advises on compliance regarding safety and health standards at work and prohibition of discrimination and harassment at work.

Privacy and Data Protection

We are witnessing emergence of privacy and data protection issues. Those may relate to the use of social media, location tracking, data loss prevention software, email and online activity monitoring, background checks of job applicants. We help employers to uphold legal standards and strike the right balance between need for information and employee privacy.

Work Engagement Without Employment

Independent contractors are widely present in a variety of industries and enjoy a unique status within employment law.
However, the risks of being an independent contractor are not so widely known. Most Legal heps both companies and workers understand potential legal ramifications of their work engagement without employment on the basis of tax, criminal and employment law.

Dispute Resolution

Our primary strategy is to resolve disputes through mediation and conciliation in order to avoid lenthy and costly litigation. If a dispute goes to the court, our attorneys are all set to step in and advocate vigorously. Our clients appreciate the fact that we always give realistic assesments. For this reason our employment litigation record has been exceptional.

Health and Safety

Ensuring a healthy and safe working environment extends beyond mere legal obligations - it is fundamental to the company's culture and overall success. By prioritizing the well-being of employees, company creates a positive workplace environment that boosts productivity, engagement, and employee satisfaction. Most Legal advises on compliance regarding safety and health standards at work and prohibition of discrimination and harassment at work.

We put a special focus on dispute resolution that include:

  • Mobbing in the workplace
  • Discrimination in the workplace
  • Compensation for workplace injury
  • Annulment of an Employer Decision
  • Annulment of Termination of Employment Agreement
  • Annulment of Annex to the Employment Agreement